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2019-21: Incubator: Science of Scaling

The Science of Scaling in Early Childhood For th...

2021-22: Incubator: The Global Energy Challenge 2021- 2022

The second Griffin Applied Economics Incubator fo...

2022-23: Incubator: The Data Revolution: New Econometric Tools for the Big Data Era

The 2022-2023 Griffin Applied Economics Incubator...

2022-22: Incubator: Policy Making in an Uncertain World 2022-2023

Uncertainty is pervasive in many of the most impo...

2023-25: Incubator: Causal Inference 2024-2025

This year’s Griffin Applied Economics Incubator e...

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Causal Inference Distinguished Visitor Conference

Date 2024-10-02

Location Saieh Hall for Economics | 5757 S University Ave, Chicago IL 60637

Each academic year, the Incubator is dedicated to a specific topic of importance to society that stands to benefit from focused research attention and ideation. An integral part of our incubator is the Distinguished Visitor Program. This program offers a small set of distinguished scholars the opportunity to participate in the Incubator’s activities, including an invited lecture series, a conference, and culminating with the publication of an article in a special issue of Journal of Political Economy: Microeconomics. Nine distinguished scholars from across the globe will visit The Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics at the University of Chicago throughout the winter quarter and will present a special condensed course pertaining to Casual Inference in economics.

Distinguished Guests